




The name of this organization shall be the BUFFALO SQUASH RACQUETS ASSOCIATION (“Association” or “BSRA”).



Mission & Purpose


The primary purpose and mission shall be to promote the game of squash: organize and encourage local, regional, national and international competition in the game of squash racquets. Of equal, if not greater importance, the BSRA will foster the development of the game through junior programs and outreach to the broader community.


In addition, the Association may engage in the following activities:

  1. Sponsoring tournaments
  2. Provide coaching and training services
  3. Providing administrative services including the dissemination of information, announcement of events, organization of competitive and social functions, and anything else that supports the mission of the Association.


No part of the net earning of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its purpose.


No substantial part of the activity of the organization shall be carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the organization is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and shall not carry on any activity not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal income tax under IRC 501 (c) (3) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent tax laws.

In any taxable year in which the organization is a private foundation as described in IRC 509 (a), the organization shall distribute its income for said period at such time and manner as not to subject it to tax under IRC 44942, and the organization shall not:

  1. Engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in IRC 4941 (d)
  2. Retain any excess business holdings as defined in ORC 4943 (c)
  3. Make any investments in such a manner as to subject the organization to tax under IRC 4944, or
  4. Make any taxable expenditure as defined in IRC 4945 (d) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws.


The BSRA shall cooperate with US Squash for the furtherance of the foregoing purposes.





Section 1. Individual Members. The Association shall welcome any individual who demonstrates an interest in the game of squash racquets, regardless of whether he or she is a member of a private club, a player on a local school team, or a person simply interested in learning the game. For those applicants under the age of (16), the Association will offer a ‘Junior Membership.” For all others, they will be listed and enrolled as an ‘Individual Member.”


Section 2. Member Clubs. Any squash club, school or facility possessing a squash court(s) may become a Member Club pending the completion of the membership application process, as described in Section 4. below.


Section 3. Honorary Member. Upon the nomination and majority vote of the Executive Committee, any member in good standing may be offered the designation of Honorary Member, a distinction given to honor such individual’s contribution(s) to the game of squash and this Association. Such contributions may be on or off the court, though characterized by the principals of dedication and sportsmanship.


Section 4. Applications.Application for membership by an individual or organization wishing to become a member of the BSRA shall be made in writing to the Secretary of the BSRA Board of Directors (hereafter the “Board”). Such application shall be signed by the individual or authorized representative of the applying organization, and accompanied by payment of the applicable annual dues, and shall acknowledge the intention to comply with the By-Laws and rules of the Association.  The Secretary of the Association shall submit the completed application(s) to the Board for their final action (discussion and approval) at the next meeting of the organization.




Board of Directors


The Board of Directors (hereafter the “Board”) shall be entrusted with the management of the Association, and it shall be its duty to carry out the mission and purposes of the Association according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.


The Board shall consist of one (1) representative from the Buffalo Club, Buffalo Tennis & Squash Club, Saturn Club and such other club, school or organization that have a minimum of ten (10 ) BSRA members and shall choose to participate as a member of the Board, and five (5) At-Large Members. The term of service on the Board shall be two (2) years. Club Representatives shall be appointed by their respective clubs with their terms to commence in even years. At-Large Members are to be elected by the General Membership of the BSRA with their terms to commence in odd years. Nominations for At-Large Members to the Board shall be made to the then existing Board at least three (3) weeks prior to the annual meeting. Voting shall be held at the annual meeting for all At-Large positions.


Each club shall have the power to appoint a substitute club representative at any time.


Should a new club, school or organization not set forth above have at least ten (10) members in the BSRA, said club or organization shall have the right to petition the Board for inclusion as a Club, school or organization to be represented on the Board. Majority vote of the Board shall be required to add or delete clubs/organizations from the Board.


The Board shall elect a member of its ranks to serve as its President. Such person would serve as the President of the BSRA Board of Directors, as well as the BSRA representative at US Squash Meetings and the like. The term of the President shall be two (2) years.






The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, to be elected by, but not necessarily from, the membership of the Board. The Board shall have the authority at any time to create and fill additional offices (such new officers “Additional Officers”) and prescribe the duties thereof. The Officers of the Association shall have the authority and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties specified below and as may be additionally specified by the Board or these By-Laws, except that in any event each Officer shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be required by applicable law.



Duties of Officers


Section 1. President. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board and at all meetings of the Association, to appoint all committees not otherwise provided for, and to see that the officers and committees perform their respective duties. In addition, the President shall be an Ad Hoc member, with full voting privileges, on the BSRA National Fund (see Article XIV).


Section 2. VicePresident. The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of that office.


Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings, shall issue notice for such meetings, shall keep a role of the membership, take charge of all records belonging to the Association, notify clubs of their responsibilities under the By-Laws of the Association, and perform such other duties as the Board may, from time to time, require.


Section 4. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect the dues and other revenues of the Association, pay all authorized bills, and submit a report of the financial condition of the Association at the Annual Meeting. The Board shall have the authority to instruct the Treasurer to collect dues directly from individual members or from clubs on their behalf. In addition, the Treasurer will coordinate membership dues and benefits with US Squash.




Nominating Committee


The Nominating Committee shall consist of the four (4) officers of the Board, plus two (2) appointees made by the President, to be chosen from the membership of the Association. Such appointees should have been members of the Association for at least three (3) years, and have demonstrated a desire and the experience to serve in such a capacity.


Such Nominating Committee shall announce the slate of officers for the forthcoming year at a meeting of the Board, to be held within thirty (30) days, but no longer than fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Association.


Additional nominations for officers may be proposed by petition signed by five (5) or more members of the Association, and presented to the Nominating Committee not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting.






A regular meeting of the Board shall be held each month, on a date selected by and agreed to among the members. There shall be an Annual meeting of the Board, held within 30 days of the Annual Meeting of the Association. Proper notice to the members of the Board, including the Officers, club representatives and At-Large members, shall be given by the Secretary at least two (2) weeks prior to each meeting.


Special meetings may be called by the President at any time upon five (5) days notice. Such notice may be made through any recognized means of communication, whether phone call, email, text or in-person.


The order of business at any meetings of the Board shall follow a traditional template and utilize the protocol proscribed by Robert’s Rules of Order. The specific agenda may vary from time to time, as agreed upon by the Board, though shall roughly follow the following:

  1. Meeting called to order.
  2. Roll call.
  3. Reading and approval of past meetings’ minutes.
  4. Treasurer’s report.
  5. Committee reports.
  6. Old business.
  7. New business.
  8. Move and approval to adjourn.


The majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. At any meeting of the Board, each member, whether an officer, At-Large or club representative, shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Other members of the Association, or invited guests to any meeting of the Board are welcome to attend, though have no such voting privileges.




Dues & Expenses


Each member is required to pay annual dues in order to establish and maintain their standing in the Association and enjoy the benefits thereof. Such dues are divided into membership in US Squash as well as the BSRA. The specific allocation of the dues to each Association is determined each year and approved by the Board.


Each member and/or member club shall pay to the Treasurer the annual dues, as established by the Board at the beginning of each fiscal year. The fiscal year shall be from October 1st to September 30th. Alternatively, should the Board authorize, the combined local and national dues may be paid directly to US Squash, who, in turn, will redirect that portion of the dues that are earmarked for the BSRA. Such payment will qualify each member for full benefits and privileges of both Associations.


The receipt from dues shall be allocated to defraying the expenses incidental to operating the Association, whether it is leagues, publications, the Annual Meeting or other necessary expenses incurred by the Board. Provided that receipts of such expenses shall in all respects be used in a manner consistent with Articles II and X.


Article X



The Assets of the Association shall be permanently dedicated to the mission and purposes expressed in Article II hereof. Upon dissolution or termination of the Association,  its assets shall be distributed to US Squash, if such association shall, at the time of such distribution, be an organization qualified under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or in the event that such Association shall not be in existence or not be so qualified, to other such organization, similar in type to the Association, as the Board shall determine, provided that such organization is then qualified under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.






All matches played under the auspices of this Association shall be played under the playing rules of the US Squash in force at that time. Included in and among such rules will be the adherence to all safety requirements, notably the use of approved eye protection.


The Board shall have full power to establish rules and regulations for the playing of matches in all Leagues and tournaments established and sanctioned by the Association. It shall also have full jurisdiction over the playing of all BSRA sponsored events. The Board shall also have full authority in ranking.




The Constitution and By-Laws of this Association may be amended at any meeting of the Board by the vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Committee. Proposed amendments must be presented to the Secretary at least one (1) week prior to a meeting, and a copy of such proposed amendments must be sent by the Secretary (by regular mail and/or email) to all members of the Committee at least five (5) days prior to the said meeting.





The BSRA shall defend and indemnify the Board of Directors and the National Fund Executive Directors from any action or proceeding involving the exercise of their legal duties as officers and directors of the association.




BSRA National Fund


The BSRA National Fund (“Fund”) shall be an independent subsidiary of the Association. It shall be governed by its own rules, regulations, Constitution and By-Laws as the Fund shall from time to time enact. The Fund shall be authorized as a subsidiary of the Association to avail itself of the Association’s 501(c) (3) status under the Internal Revenue Code as well as the Association’s Tax I.D. The Fund shall, however, remain independent of the Association. It is the intention of the within By-Laws to provide for the legal existence of the Fund, whose purposes and goals are identical to those of the Association, to wit: Promotion of the game of squash.


The Association shall have no economic interest in any funds held by the Fund, but may, from time to time, seek requisition of funds from the Fund for Association purposes. The approval or disapproval of such requisitions by the Association shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the BSRA National Fund Executive Directors.


The current President/Chairperson of the Association shall have a voting seat on the Fund Board of Directors.


Furthermore, the “Fund’ will invest and manage any surplus funds, resulting from the operations of the BSRA and/or any excess funds (profits) remaining from BSRA-hosted tournaments and/or events.  Such funds will be deposited into a savings and/or investment account, under the name BSRA National Fund. The BSRA may maintain a balance of up to $10,000 in its checking account for its day-to-day operating needs.


The Fund Executive Directors shall be composed of nine (9) persons, to include:

  • Four (4) Officers, to consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall serve a four (4) year term
  • Four (4) At-Large Members, who shall be nominated and elected by the Officers, and shall serve a two (2) year term. Two (2) such At-Large members shall be elected on even years, and two (2) elected in odd years
  • One (1) shall be the current President of the BSRA